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How can we expect our community to be safe if our county attorney is corrupt?

ex-doc director Charles ryan  

Only two months into her appointment this year as Maricopa County Attorney, Rachel Mitchell proved that just like her predecessors, she will also continue to hold our communities to a different standard of the law than she will police or politicians. In January of 2022, the former AZ Department of Corrections director Charles Ryan held his wife and daughter hostage while engaged in an alcohol-fueled standoff with police officers.
Not only did it takes months for the Maricopa County Attorney's Office to finally press charges against him, they charged him with low-level felonies. Any other person who has been involved in an incident where they had a gun even in their lap near a police officer has been charged with class 2 felonies by the MCAO. Despite public criticism, Mitchell has continued to defend her decisions.
Rachel Mitchell has never afforded the same grace or discretion to our community members as she has powerful people like Charles Ryan. That's because Mitchell puts politics and profit over people. 

police murder of anthony cano

In another clear example of the different standards of the law Rachel Mitchell, just like her defamed predecessors, has applied to our communities versus police, Mitchell announced in May 2022 that the Maricopa County Attorney's Office would be filing no charges against the Chandler Police Officer who shot and killed a 17 year old boy, Anthony Cano, in January.
Mitchell used the same playbook as the County Attorneys before her, despite ongoing protests and bodycam footage. There is no doubt that Rachel Mitchell will refuse to hold police accountable, even for killing a child, if she is elected. After all, if Mitchell actually holds police to the same standards of the law as she does civilians, where will she get her endorsements and campaign donations? 
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police murder of 17 year old anthony cano

In another clear example of how Rachel Mitchell, just like her defamed predecessors, has applied different standards of the law to our communities compared to police, Mitchell announced in May 2022 that the Maricopa County Attorney's Office would be filing no charges against the Chandler Police Officer who shot and killed a 17 year old boy, Anthony Cano, in January.
Mitchell used the same playbook as the County Attorneys before her, despite ongoing protests and bodycam footage. There is no doubt that Rachel Mitchell will refuse to hold police accountable, even for killing a child, if she is elected. After all, if Mitchell actually holds police to the same standards of the law as she does civilians, where will she get her endorsements and campaign donations? 


Rachel Mitchell has repeatedly attempted to distance herself from the 2020 protest cases scandal, which ultimately was responsible for ousting the previous Maricopa County Attorney from office. Yet in June 2022, Mitchell's carefully constructed lies unraveled in the face of another case where her office falsely charged a Black man as a gang member because he dared to shout "Black Lives Matter".
Glen Robertson, a Black Phoenix man, was racially profiled, assaulted, and falsely arrested by Phoenix Police for a hit-and-run case in 2020 that never happened. Just like 2020’s infamous protest case scandal, the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office colluded with Phoenix Police to cage a Black man who publicly criticized and protested against racial injustice. In fact, the tactics the MCAO employed to create this ridiculous gang connection are so disturbingly identical that it is clear Glen Robertson was a test case for the nearly 20 protest related street gang charges that would follow that year.
Despite public outcry, media attention, and even a judge calling this case the weakest he had ever seen, Mitchell refused to drop the charges. Glen Robertson was eventually found not guilty by a jury, yet Mitchell has continued to label him a gang member in various public debates. Maricopa County doesn't need another County Attorney that maliciously prosecutes Black people and disrespects a jury's decisions. 
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